city office building


Current Open Positions

Below are the current open Positions at the City of Rock Valley.

Firefighter and Junior Firefighter Application

The Rock Valley Fire Department is always looking for more volunteers to join their team. If you're interested in joining, you can download an application below or stop by the Rock Valley City Office for one. Please return completed applications to the Rock Valley City Office or email your resume to Ashley Feekes at

Ambulance Application

Looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity? The Rock Valley Ambulance team is looking for people to join their team. If you're interested in applying, download the applications below or stop by the Rock Valley City Office to pick one up. Please return completed applications to the Rock Valley City Office or email your resume to Ashley Feekes at

General Inquiry

If there are no open positions or you have questions about employment or internships, feel free to contact us. We'd be happy to speak with you about availability and any future positions that may become available.

Contact Us

Looking for a job in Rock Valley?

Rock Valley has a thriving business community with many job possiblities. Be sure to check for job opportunities at our local Chamber Businesses!

Chamber Healthcare Businesses

Chamber Retail Businesses

Chamber Service Businesses