Downtown Facade Improvement Program
PROGRAM PURPOSE: To offer incentives and assistance to property owners in the downtown target area to make exterior improvements that leave a lasting impression on our visitors
PROGRAM GOALS: Improve the visual appearance and aesthetics of Main Street by create a historic downtown feeling, Revitalize Main Street by encouraging a ‘historic’ style of architecture in the downtown target area, Restore buildings to historic appearance as closely to historic photos when possible (1878-1948)
ELIGIBLE PROPERTIES: Eligible properties must be located within the six-block downtown area of which the boundaries are 15th Ave. on the west, 17th Ave on the east, 13th St on the south and 16th Street on the north with preference to frontage on Main Street and 14th Street within the boundary area
FREE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Technical assistance, historic architectural services and design renderings by a professional will be provided by the City for a project proposal and preliminary cost estimate to determine best design for the property