Growing Together
A growing population implies a growing economy. We're excited by the expanding local businesses and industries in Rock Valley, and we welcome you to build with our community. View our Economic Development page to learn more.

A growing population implies a growing economy. We're excited by the expanding local businesses and industries in Rock Valley, and we welcome you to build with our community. View our Economic Development page to learn more.
Rock Valley is dedicated to helping you understand economic development in our town and Northwest Iowa, so you can feel confident in your decision to invest in Rock Valley. Explore these market resources to get started.
We invite you to help us build the future of Rock Valley. Below are several incentives that may be available to your company.
City of Rock Valley / Sioux County Tax Abatement
A local 5-year tax abatement program allows industries a 75% to 15% property tax reduction on new construction.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
The City of Rock Valley offers this incentive to assist companies in the purchase of property, development & building costs. This helps to aid in the initial startup costs on our fully developed commercial and industrial business parks.
Rock Valley Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund
RVEDC Loan Fund is a local revolving loan fund that has been a very successful incentive. This fund is available to expanding and business start-ups at interest rates at or below prime.
Sioux County Loan Fund
Sioux County, Iowa offers low interest loans to new and expanding industries. Up to $10,000 per job created available at interest rates well below prime.
Siouxland Economic Development Corp (Siouxland edc. Com)
Available to expanding and new companies in the Northwest Iowa Development region. This fund can be combined with the County and Local Revolving Loan Funds.
Local Utility Incentives
MidAmerican Energy Company and Northwest REC offer a variety of incentives to new industries. Industrial utility rates are well below the national average and special rates can be negotiated. Incentives for energy efficiency are also available.
Value-Added Agricultural Products and Financial Assistance
State of Iowa program provides financial assistance to new and existing companies who utilize agricultural commodities to create new, higher-value products or produce renewable fuels and by-products.
High Quality Jobs Program
State of Iowa program to encourage expansion of existing industry, also for new and relocated industries in Iowa. It provides forgivable and low interest loans to companies that create new quality jobs in Iowa. The State of Iowa also provides a variety of incentives including; tax credits, sales tax refunds and more.
Job Training Assistance
State of Iowa program available to assist industries in training new employees, as well as retaining existing employees. This program provides employers a grant for job training that is administered locally in partnership with our local community college. Our role is to connect and assist companies to secure this assistance.
Rock Valley Storefront Grant
Grants are available from the City of Rock Valley to update the downtown retail & commercial buildings. The goal of this program is to enhance the downtown area and preserve the viability of the downtown business district. The Grants are available for the following enhancements: new construction, exterior repair and/or improvements, sidewalk repair and/or improvements, general esthetic improvements to building exterior.
Please contact our office for more information about business grants and incentives.
1507 Main Street PO Box 100
(712) 476-5707
Please contact the Chamber office with any questions or requests. We're happy to assist however we can.